Welcome to Circus Folk! The writing space where Megan Spencer profiles some of the talented and ‘noisy’ people she meets on her travels…
“There is a community of the spirit. Join it, and feel the delight of walking in the noisy street, and being the noise.” – Rumi
Megan Spencer is a writer, broadcaster, podcaster, critic, documentary filmmaker and photographer. She has been writing professionally and broadcasting since her late teens.
Having interviewed hundreds of artists, musicians, filmmakers and ‘civilians’, she has been a professional non-fiction ‘storyteller’ for the best part of 30 years. She loves telling the stories of other people – walking a mile in their shoes – whether it be in print or a podcast, on radio or online.
Megan has always had a strong connection with audiences. She loves to write and writes any chance she gets. Words – both spoken and written – are at the heart of her work. She especially likes to write non-fiction, about music, the arts and film, and people and their lived experience. She also specialises in telling the stories of current and former defence service members and their families.
In 2020 her podcast, From A Whisper To A Bang! won ‘Best News, Current Affairs or Feature Report’ at the MEAA SA Media Awards, also nominated in ‘Best Freelance Contribution’ category. The six-part series about wartime remembrance and historical empathy was commissioned by the Australian War Memorial, and has surpassed 10,000 downloads.
Since then she has built up a substantial body of work, commissioned to make remembrance podcasts for the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne and the Virtual War Memorial Australia in Adelaide, producing audio features about the impact of wartime and military service.
“Genuine listening is hard work; there is little about it that is mechanical… We hear with our ears, but we listen with our eyes and mind and heart and skin and guts as well.” – Alfred Benjamin
In 2018 Auspicious Plastic, Megan’s conversational podcast about “precious objects and the stories behind them”, was selected as a finalist in the Frankie ‘Good Stuff’ Awards, in the ‘Writing+ Podcasts’ category. In 2020 she was part of the winning entry in the same category for Decolonise, created by Jaja Dare (Wiradjuri).
Megan has written for many publications and digital platforms, including Double J, .Cent (UK), Frankie, Art Monthly, Guardian Australia, Dumbo Feather, Mammamia, ABC Radio, BMA Magazine, Australian Musician, Punctum Inc., triple j, SBS, MusicNT, Bendigo Weekly and Bendigo Magazine to name but a few.
She has also worked for many organisations and small businesses as a skilled digital community builder, content creator and social media manager.
Megan is a ‘big picture’ person; ideas and perspectives energise her. Creating the space for great conversations is her business, and listening to others’ experiences – then shaping them into killer stories – one of her great joys.
Her perspective is also informed by her many travels, mindfulness meditation (which she also teaches!) and the distinct advantage of having grown up in the ‘age of analogue’ while embracing the freedoms and revolutions that come with ‘the digital’.
After living for three years in Berlin, Megan now lives in her home country Australia, where she continues her rewarding creative and life adventures.
Feel the noise on Circus Folk! Or visit her website.